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Error: No value set for required parameter "events".


GET /v2/queueMovie/

Create a custom movie by submitting a request to the movie generation queue. The response returned will provide you with a unique Movie ID that can be used to check on the status of your movie (via `getMovieStatus`) and to download your movie (via `downloadMovie`).

Request Parameters:
Parameter Required Type Example Description
startTime Required string 2010-03-01T12:12:12Z Desired date and time of the first frame of the movie. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.
endTime Required string 2010-03-04T12:12:12Z Desired date and time of the final frame of the movie. ISO 8601 combined UTC date and time UTC format.
layers Required string [3,1,100],[4,1,100]
Image datasource layer(s) to include in the movie.
events Required string [AR,HMI_HARP;SPoCA,1],[CH,all,1] List feature/event types and FRMs to use to annoate the movie. Use the empty string to indicate that no feature/event annotations should be shown.
eventsLabels Required boolean false Optionally annotate each event marker with a text label.
imageScale Required number 21.04 Image scale in arcseconds per pixel.
format Optional string mp4 Movie format (`mp4`, `webm`, `flv`). Default value is `mp4`.
frameRate Optional string 15 Movie frames per second. 15 frames per second by default.
maxFrames Optional string 300 Maximum number of frames in the movie. May be capped by the server.
scale Optional boolean false Optionally overlay an image scale indicator.
scaleType Optional string earth Image scale indicator.
scaleX Optional number -1000 Horizontal offset of the image scale indicator in arcseconds with respect to the center of the Sun.
scaleY Optional number -500 Vertical offset of the image scale indicator in arcseconds with respect to the center of the Sun.
movieLength Optional number 4.3333 Movie length in seconds.
watermark Optional boolean true Optionally overlay a Helioviewer.org watermark image. Enabled by default.
width Optional string 1920 Width of the field of view in pixels. (Used in conjunction width `x0`,`y0`, and `height`).
height Optional string 1200 Height of the field of view in pixels. (Used in conjunction width `x0`,`y0`, and `width`).
x0 Optional string 0 The horizontal offset of the center of the field of view from the center of the Sun. Used in conjunction with `y0`, `width`, and `height`.
y0 Optional string 0 The vertical offset of the center of the field of view from the center of the Sun. Used in conjunction with `x0`, `width`, and `height`.
x1 Optional string -5000 The horizontal offset of the top-left corner of the field of view with respect to the center of the Sun (in arcseconds). Used in conjunction with `y1`, `x2`, and `y2`.
y1 Optional string -5000 The vertical offset of the top-left corner of the field of view with respect to the center of the Sun (in arcseconds). Used in conjunction with `x1`, `x2`, and `y2`.
x2 Optional string 5000 The horizontal offset of the bottom-right corner of the field of view with respect to the center of the Sun (in arcseconds). Used in conjunction with `x1`, `y1`, and `y2`.
y2 Optional string 5000 The vertical offset of the bottom-right corner of the field of view with respect to the center of the Sun (in arcseconds). Used in conjunction with `x1`, `y1`, and `x2`.
callback Optional string Wrap the response object in a function call of your choosing.
size Optional number 0 Scale video to preset size:
0 - Original size;
1 - 720p (1280 x 720, HD Ready);
2 - 1080p (1920 x 1080, Full HD);
3 - 1440p (2560 x 1440, Quad HD);
4 - 2160p (3840 x 2160, 4K or Ultra HD).
movieIcons Optional number 0 Display other user generated movies on the video.
followViewport Optional number 0 Rotate field of view of movie with Sun.
reqObservationDate Optional string 2017-08-30T14:45:53.000Z Viewport time. Used when 'followViewport' enabled to shift viewport area to correct coordinates.

Example (A):

Queued Movie (JSON)

JSON response to "queueMovie" and "reQueueMovie" API requests.

Example Request:
Example Response:
  "id": "z6vX5",
  "eta": 376,
  "queue": 0,
  "token": "50e0d98f645b42d159ec1c8a1e15de3e"
Parameter Required Type Description
eta Required number Estimated time until movie generation will be completed in seconds
id Required string Unique movie identifier (e.g. "z6vX5")
queue Required number Position in movie generation queue
token Required string